How to Find the Adamantine Forge in Baldur's Gate 3 (2024)

Those who love going off the beaten path in Baldur’s Gate 3 will often be rewarded with new items and locations to help their journeys. One of the most impressive places in the game during the first chapter is the Adamantine Forge. While dangerous, this location holds a place that’ll let you craft some fantastic weapons and armor, provided you have the materials. If you want to improve your equipment, we’ll tell you how to find and use the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Adamantine Forge Location

The Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the final locations you’ll visit during the first chapter. To reach it, you must finish most of the Underdark Quests and make your way to the skiff to cross the river. Once you do it, you’ll arrive at Grymforge. Once in Grymforge, there are two ways to reach the Adamantine Forge.

Through the Main Gates

The easiest way to reach the Adamantine Forge is through the main gates of Grymforge. Depending on your choices, you must talk your way into the area and fight a few Duergar. Yet, if you want to avoid conflict or certain conversations, there’s a sneaky way to reach the forge.

Through the Hanging Bridge

For those who love being sneaky and want to avoid conflict, there’s a way to reach the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3 that’ll also give you some nice loot and items needed to craft Adamantine weapons. Here’s how to reach it:

  1. From the entrance of Grymforge, hug the right wall and head up the stairs until you find a vendor.
  2. Walk past the vendor until you spot a group of Duergars harassing some animals.
  3. Drink an animal-speaking potion or use the spell to talk to the animals. Help them defeat the Duergar.
  4. The animals will clear the debris, opening a path to the arc above Grymforge.
  5. Walk through the right corridor until you reach a tower with two levers and a floating platform on the left.
  6. Make your characters jump on the platform and shoot the second lever to drop it down to the corridor in the middle.
  7. Walk through the corridor until you reach the end and see another floating platform.
  8. Make your characters jump on it.
  9. Across the floating platform, you’ll spot a place with other two levers; shoot the one on the far side.
  10. Once the platform moves, jump to the broken bridge to reach the entrance of the forge.

How to Use the Adamantine Forge

If you’ve reached the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll want to use it to make better items. Be mindful that the ore needed to make them is scarce, and you should consider which item to make. Here, we’ll list the required items and the process to fire up the forge:

  • Grab the required moulds.
    • You’ll find them as you follow the abovementioned route to the forge. The first one you’ll find is the Longsword Mould.
  • Find Mithral Ore.
    • You can find one west of the Adamantine Forge. There’s a Mithral Vein on a wall. You need to defeat a few enemies and jump across the lava river.
    • There’s another Mithral Veineast of the Forge behind a lava waterfall near the Monk’s corpse.
  • Insert your desired Mould in the Mould Chamber.
  • Put the Ore inside the Middle Chamber.
  • Pull the Forge lever on the far right corner of the platform.
  • Turn the Lava Valve on (prepare for a boss fight).
  • After the fight, head to the mould chamber and collect your weapon or armor.
  • Click the button next to the lever to return the platform to its original position.

How To Fix the Adamantine Forge Not Working

There might be a situation where the Adamantine Forge isn’t working as intended; this can happen due to how big the game is and how many things it has going on in the background. So, if you’re facing a situation where this place isn’t working, here we’ll tell you how to fix the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3.

  1. Defeat the Grym, the Forge Guardian, by following this guide.
  2. After you defeat the boss, enter turn-based mode manually (click the hourglass icon on the bottom right of your hotbar).
  3. Keep clicking “End Turn” until the lava disappears.
  4. Head to the mould chamber and remove the mould and the ore.
  5. Pull the Forge lever to raise the platform.
  6. Put the ore and the mould in their right places again.
  7. Pull the Forge lever once more to lower the platform.
  8. Head to the Lava valve and turn it.
  9. Pull the lever one last time.

This resets the Adamantine Forge, letting you get your well-deserved Adamantine item. Again, this is only necessary if you face any issues while trying to use the Adamantine Forge.


Baldurs Gate 3: Should You Wake Shadowheart or Take the Artefact

And that’s a wrap on how to use and find the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3. This place is dangerous but has some of the best weapons and armor you can get during the first chapter. If you’re feeling brave, venture into the depths of Grymforge to find this place and upgrade your equipment.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available now on PC.

How to Find the Adamantine Forge in Baldur's Gate 3 (2024)
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